1.) A character that represents my brand would be a mixture of Energetic and Trendy. Quality such as youth, and charisma stand out against 'The Pack'. The personality of my clothing would be provocative, youthful, eccentric and regal all at the same time. My brand is like myself, in many ways outspoken yet subtle, defiant yet willing to develop, Harry Potter is me yet I enjoy Twilight. 
1) I will offer chic, and edgy clothing. Studs, Sparkle, and Aztec. 
2)My core values are keeping things comfy, will making them fashionably acceptable.
3)Teens- Young Adults, Female and Male, All social groups. 
4)" Fashion Is A Lifestyle ".  It says fashion, is more then just touch and go, you have to be committed.


Hey, I'm back. I think Polyvore may be one of my all-time favorite websites. I recommend you all to join, NOW! Right now, I'm just trying to create sets, and collect feedback. Follow me on Polyvore, Jiana-Graham.
Hiya, my name's Jiana. I'm made this Weebley-doo for a CIT class I'm talking. Some of my interests are; Cheerleading, Fashion, Cosmetology, Reading Teen-Vogue & Seventeen Mag.